My friend Gregory Dickow never ceases to surprise me with his responses to questions posed on his Ask the Pastor radio show. Dickow, an evangelical and fundamentalist Christian, has explained that Christians can believe in evolution and still be saved. He can’t imagine how Man has come from primordial slime, but isn’t doesn’t believe that these folks should be denied coming to the Lord. Homosexuals are welcome at Life Changer’s Church. Sure there is an expectation that once affected by the Holy Spirit, these folks will surely change their lifestyle. On more than one occasion I have heard Dickow explain that oral sex is permissible sexual behavior between a married couple. Whatever is pleasing to your willing spouse. I guess I’m down with that.
The last few days have supplied pungent atheist fodder. Today a man called (let’s call him Jake), and shared with the Pastor that he had been frequenting strip clubs. Jake claims to have saved souls along the way. He tells us he preaches the gospel to the strippers, and several of them have found the Lord, been saved, and quit their wicked occupations. It’s apparent the Jake is telling his story with conviction; he states that he believes that God has called him to his unique ministry.
“Who else,” Jake explains, “is going to preach the gospel to these women?” The only thing wrong, he relates, is that a friend of a fellow parishioner in his local congregation spotted him last Saturday night at Harold’s Hide-Away. Now he has to face admonitions from his fellow congregant that such behavior could cause…a scandal. Apparently Jake is a pillar of his local church.
What a misunderstanding! If she only knew that Jake’s heart was in the right place. “Oh, by the way,” Jake finishes. “Do you think I’m wrong?”
Of course Dickow once again didn’t disappoint. I thought for sure that he would tear Jake a new one. I’ve heard Dickow on numerous occasions zero in on suspect rationalizations of his callers. He very graciously thanks them for calling, and being so honest in their admissions, then proceeds to tell them that such a thing probably isn’t coming from the Holy Spirit. This time no other admonitions other than Jake should be careful of the demon lust. Dickow explains such ministry is possible, but more probably only for a short time. Fraught with difficulty such a ministry could be for any long-term stretch.
I should tell my wife that I should be atheism’s answer to Jake, and frequent strip clubs as well. I could also selflessly bring atheism to the broken world of titty bars. Don’t think the wife would go for it. I bet neither would Jake’s.
One question: When you look at a painting do you wonder if there is a painter? So why look at creation and wonder if there is a creator. May God bless you in your journey to finding him.