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Saturday, May 29, 2010

DNA of Destruction

If any of you think that Chuck the Atheist must be wasting his time listening to Christian radio programs, I’d reply that on occasion there are some gems that I discover that make it all worthwhile. Case in point, my friend Pastor Gregory Dickow has some interesting beliefs that make me sit up and take notice from time to time. When asked by a listener on this radio show Ask the Pastor how could he reconcile the love of God with the wrath that god displayed in the Old Testament? Dickow replied that if God was kind to everyone it wouldn’t have saved the world. What he meant by this was that God was preparing the world for Jesus Christ. So the genocide that the Israelites committed to obtain the Holy Land was ordered by God to ensure the birth of Christ. The end justified the means.

The caller was still troubled by the fact that women and children, even animals, were periodically killed by God or the Israelites. Dickow tells us that there was DNA of destruction in the ancient world that God apparently felt must be removed. Saul didn’t completely destroy the Amalekites, and for years afterward that nation was a thorn in the side of David for many years. The DNA of destruction was so bad that by the time of Noah, God felt the need to wipe the whole slate clean. Evidently to eradicate evil DNA, all people including children needed to be destroyed.

But do not fear. After the New Testament dispensation, God brought Jesus into the world. Therefore God does not now judge societies in the same way as what we find in the Old Testament. He’s leaving his wrathful judgment for those who reject Jesus Christ, an eternity of damnation and suffering for those with half a brain and a skeptical disposition. It matters not one tiddle what sort of life you may have lead even if extremely moral by modern standards. Doesn’t that make you feel better about Christianity? Who else but God can set such an example of morality for us to follow?

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