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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Gay Men Really Want Jesus

ChucK the AtheisT loves his friend Gregory Dickow, Evangelical pastor. Dickow comes up with some great theology on occasion. For a fundamentalist Protestant he is reasonably liberal. It’s OK to use birth control, he doesn’t kick LBTG folks out of his church, and he says that it’s pretty much anything goes in the bedroom of two consenting, married adults (man and woman, of course). That’s commendable, I suppose, but then he’ll come up with a doozie like:

“God commanded the Israelites to commit genocide on the Canaanites, because he had to protect the bloodline of Jesus.” You know how evil people are…even the kids have got to go, because they’ll just grow up and make war on God’s chosen. That just wouldn’t do for the nation that was to sire the Messiah.

So yesterday the Pastor came up with another whopper on his radio show that I’ve just got to share with you. One of his callers was despondent, because he kept on having impure thoughts about other males.

“I keep thinking about that gay stuff,” he lamented. Dickow gave his usual answer that it’s not what improper thoughts you have, but those upon which you act that are sins. Then he provided us with a far out insight. The thoughts that gay men have for one another are actually is a misplaced man-love that should be directed towards Jesus.

Well, you might ask, “Where does that leave lesbians?” Perhaps they are really looking for the Virgin Mary. That wouldn’t be quite right for Protestant theology, though. Dickow never explained this, perhaps didn’t think it through. I don’t know. But a man yearns for acceptance and warmth from men sometimes. Gay men can wean themselves from improper love of other men, if they would just yearn for Jesus instead.

(Meh...I said, “wean.”)

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